Vermont Comedy Community
Check it out/join us!
What is this thing?
This is called a "Mighty" network, and it's the place for comedy fans and comedians (mostly in Vermont) to connect with one another.
Why does it exist?
Because Facebook is only used these days by A) fascists, and B) your grandmother looking at AI pics of Jesus riding a stegosaurus.
Is it free?
Yes. For you, anyway. VCC is footing the bill.
How does it work?
When you join, you’re automatically added to 4 PUBLIC groups: General Discussion (Comedy); Misc. Discussion (Non-Comedy); Comedy Shows in VT, and Extra-Curricular Hangs.
If you are a standup, improv or sketch comedian living in VT, you can request to be added to those 3 PRIVATE groups.
I’m producing a comedy show that’s not at Vermont Comedy Club. Can you add it to the “Comedy Shows in VT” group?
No, but you can! Anyone can add (comedy) shows to that group. Go for it!
What are the rules of being here?
Just be chill. Respect people’s opinions and pronouns and don’t be a dick, and we won’t have to boot you. HAVE FUN!